Employment Mediation Wellington

Call for a free 15 minute phone consultation.

Abraham Lincoln once said “He who represents himself, has a fool for a client.”

The employment mediation service is a user-friendly body, the Authority and Court less so and getting more and more legalistic.

It is often wiser to be well represented than not.

One can become emotionally involved taking one’s own the case which adds to the stress. Self represented employees or employers fail at times to see the wood for the trees or indeed have a sense where a realistic solution lies.

Further, a self represented litigant runs a risk of having costs awarded against them – particularly pursuing points that seem major to them but minor in the general scheme of employment law.

Jamieson Partners can advise whether it’s a case best having a go yourself or one that needs representation – or perhaps just background help. They are New Zealand’s longest established employment relations consultancy.

What to expect and how to prepare:

With the Authority and Court, it is critical when drafting up the Statement of Problem/ Claim or Reply/Defense to ensure these pleadings are spot on. Cases can be won or lost through amateur like pleadings. Furthermore, the need for solid evidence and organising appropriate corroborating witnesses is vital.

Lawyers fees can be around $300 an hour, and understandably beyond the reach of many working people or indeed small businesses. Fees can gobble up more money than a dispute is worth. I suggest also be wary of the “ no win no fee” representation merchants.

Choose Jamieson Partners.

Jamieson Partners fees are $100 an hour, or a $400 up front fee for a mediation which are fully explained in the fees section. It is not that unusual to recover most costs from the employer if successfully representing workers.

Get a free 15 minute phone consultation by simply filling out the form on the right.